Polyphenol content: 1668 mg/ liter*

Terra Centuria

New generations of olive growers in Istria

aestivum,’ ‘Oleum omphacium,’ and ‘Oleum ex albis ulivis’ used in Ancient Rome for their exceptional health and cosmetic benefits. Today, we specialize in crafting high polyphenolic EVOO, known for its rich antioxidant content and robust flavor.

Our production process involves pressing olives at an early, unripe stage, which maximizes polyphenol levels and enhances the health benefits of our oils. This method makes our high polyphenolic EVOO not just a healthy fat but a powerhouse of wellness and taste.

Co-founded by Dr. Danijel Stojković Kukulin, a specialist in molecular genetics and biotechnology, Terra Centuria is committed to producing high-quality olive oil while maintaining ecological balance and sustainability in all our practices. Discover the benefits of our high polyphenolic EVOO and experience the legacy of ancient olive oil craftsmanship.

Dr. Danijel Stojković Kukulin, a specialist in molecular genetics and biotechnology

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Terra Centuria’s High Polyphenolic Extra Virgin Olive Oil proudly displayed alongside several prestigious awards and recognitions, including accolades from the Best Olive Oils Ranking, Olive Japan Premier 2023, IOOP Best in Class 2023, Aristoleo High Phenolic Awards 2023, and Olio Nuovo Premium Gold 2023. These awards highlight the exceptional quality and high polyphenol content of Terra Centuria’s organic EVOO.

At Terra Centuria, our passion for creating the finest high polyphenolic EVOO goes beyond tradition; it’s about harnessing the natural power of olives to deliver exceptional health benefits. Our high polyphenolic extra virgin olive oil stands out not only for its rich flavor but also for its extraordinary antioxidant properties, which can support heart health, reduce inflammation, and provide numerous other wellness advantages.

By choosing Terra Centuria’s high polyphenolic EVOO, you are selecting a product that is crafted with care and expertise. Our commitment to quality starts with selecting the best olives from the lush groves of Slovenian Istria. These olives are harvested at their peak, then cold-pressed to preserve their high polyphenolic content and vibrant, fresh taste.

Our dedication to producing high polyphenolic EVOO also reflects our respect for nature and sustainable practices. Every step in our production process is designed to maintain the integrity of the olives and the environment, ensuring that you receive a pure, organic product that aligns with your health and wellness goals. Explore our range of high polyphenolic EVOOs and taste the difference that quality and tradition make.

A message for every individual


“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”

The best way to experience our hard work is to purchase a bottle of our EVOO